Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 4 RSS feeds

I set up a news reader on google which was pretty straighforward. Initially I opted to get the offered package of a dozen or so sites so I could get to see how it worked quickly. That was interesting, although an information overload of stuff I probably didn't need to know that much about! I can see how it would be a good way to streamline all that info and cut it down to manageable amounts, but one would still have to be selective. It seems to me that this has its advantages and disadvantages. In terms of the library it obviously would be helpful to filter relevant information in areas like readers advisory, reviews, author info etc. and allow patrons to keep up with new additions to the catalogue and events at various locations. I did have some difficulty subscribing to some sites. Apparently some go automatically via Internet Explorer to be stored in the computer rather than directly onto my Google Reader, so you have to work your way round that. It seems that there is never only one way to do something, and sometimes, there seems to be no way at all!!
Here's the link to my google reader:


  1. Hi, interesting post! The link you have posted doesn't work for me, as it takes me back to my own account. You'll need to post a link to your Shared Items to finish this step.

  2. Hi,

    Have gone back and added a link via the shared items. Hopefully this works and you can get through!

  3. Well done, on to the next step
