Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 9: The Last One

Well, I didn't think I'd get this far to be honest! So I'm glad and relieved to be here. It hasn't always been easy, mostly to do with time constraints and my developing level of technical ability. Now that it's finished I can see that I've learnt quite a lot and I feel more confident finding my way round a lot of these sites, some of which I'd either not heard of before or was only vaguely familiar with.
I have developed some skills along the way and have increased my knowledge in areas that I probably wouldn't have bothered with if I hadn't had to. I may not need or want to revisit some of the sites, but it's good to be familiar with them. And there are some sites that I definitely enjoyed and would make use of again.
As for the usefulness of the training for my role in the library - I see it as being helpful in a more general rather than specific way. I am now armed with more knowledge than I had when I started Web 2.0 and greater confidence in sharing that knowledge with others.


  1. Great work to get to the end...keep a look out for your usb stick which will be on its way to you shortly
